from management 

Educating students for success in a changing world

Phakalane Primary School is an exceptional education experience for each and every student. We ensure that the learning needs of students are met through a broad and balanced curriculum. There are currently classes from pre-primary to standard seven.


At Phakalane Primary School we have a child-centred approachwith an endeavourto build a holistic learner.

Our preparatory programme is one of a kind. Our pre-primar y and lo wer primar y students have an intensive and extensive THRASS programme. THRASS is a language programme specially designed to deal with the phonics essentials of comprehensive reading and good literature. The programme further includes handwriting, reading, spelling and the development of literacy. The preparatory programme encompasses numeracy literacy, and fine and gross motor skill development. Our students further develop social and emotional skills, setting them up forthe rest o ftheireducational lives.

Benefits of Attending Phakalane Primary

One o f the biggest benefits o f the Phakalane Primar y School curriculum is that it provides a wide range o f subjects and is a solid foundation for secondar yeducation, transitioning our students to cope with the demands o f secondar y school. The curriculum allows for fostering o f intellectual and creativity gr owth embracing students differences to develop a well rounded global citizen. Our students complete the curriculum ready to compete, conquer and prosper in an y global arena

Our primary school students go on to write the Primary
Leaving School Examination (PSLE). PSLE is an external examination from the Botswana Examination Council. The examination is an excellent indicator in assessing how much a primary school pupil has learnt through his/her schooling years.

Our Specialty

Students access and experience a large range of subjects, all of which are delivered throug a skills based curriculum providing them with a firm  academic foundation for their studies, as the ymove up through the school.

We offer a wide and varied range of subjects. Our core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science tend to be taught in sets, while others are taught in a combination of mixed ability sets include the belo wlisted subjects:

  • Maths
  • Science
  • Social/Cultural Studies
  • Religious & Moral Education
  • Agriculture
  • English
  • Setswana
  • French
  • Information Communications Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Art


We continue to expand on the subject offering as we asess the wants and needs of the students, also taking into consideration the ever changing educational environment.