Learn. Educate. Grow


Head Teacher:

Primary- Mr. D. Musungo

Secondary-  Mr. M. Ngwenya

Grade Levels:

Pre School- Primary (Standard 1-7) and Secondary School

Primary School Prospectus

Secondary School Prospectus

2020 School Calendar


Pre Primary

An intensive THRASS language program is part of the curriculum, preparing the young minds for the challenges of the primary school years of the information era.

Sports and Clubs

We offer a wide range of activities, trips and cultural visits which embrace man y aspects o fthe curriculum.


The School has maintained a 100% pass rate for our Primary School Leaving Examination since 1998. 




One of the biggest benefits of the Phakalane Primary School curriculum is that it provides a wide range of subjects and is a solid foundation for secondary education, transitioning our leaders to cope with the demands of secondary school. The curriculum allows for fostering of intellectual and creativity growth embracing learners differences to develop a well rounded global citizen. Our leaders complete the curriculum ready to compete, conquer and prosper in any global arena.

Pre-Primary Application Form | Primary Application Form

We offer a wide range of activities, trips and cultural visits which embrace many aspects of the curriculum.We also ensure our students experience a wide range of career based activities.Many subjects offer opportunities to grow and develop beyond the confines of formal examinations. Subjects such as Art  and Mathematics provide students with additional courses that are tailored towards students strengths and interests.

Pre Primary Application Form | Curricular Activities

Phakalane Primary School has been developed to be officially recognized as one of the best primary education institutions in the country. Phakalane Primary School is one of the best performing independent education providers in Botswana, it is also one of the highest performing primary schools nationally at all levels.

Pre Primary Application Form| Primary Application Form


Plot 21475
Magang Avenue

School Hours

Monday to Thursday 0745-1500

Friday 0745-1315

Monday- Friday 0800- 1600


Phone & Email

(+267) 390 7010


“We would like to welcome you all to Phakalane Primary School, a thriving, highly successful learning community, committed to both individual and collective success…”

Mr and Mrs Joseph

Co- founders


Registration and Enrollment

Applications are accepted throughout the year but due to limited space parents are encouraged to make applications as early as possible in the previous year.

Assessment and Reports

Every learner’s progress is monitored through an intensive assessment process throughout the year. This is made through continuous assessment tests and end of term examinations


The school offers transport for students. Students are collected from their doorstep in the morning and dropped after school. This unique service is designed to help our busy parents and guardian cope with the demands of their busy professional lives without stressing about transporting theirchildren to and from school.

Teaching & Learning

Our personalized staff training programme ensures that our staff are at the cutting edge of educational theory and practice. We encourage our students to be aspirational and challenge their own expectations of themselves to provide them with the knowledge and learning that will allow them to pursue a range of education and career opportunities in the future.

SPORTS & clubs



Years of Academic Exellence